Behold a true image of the Goddess Eris from ancient Greece. The image of the goddess comes from an Attic 6th century BCE vase painting (I added the apple). The temple in the background is located at Metaponto in Basilicata. Saint Carmine Crocco stands in the foreground. Eris was the Greek Goddess of Confusion. Her Roman name was Discordia. She was the Goddess of discord, chaos, and strife. According to Hesiod's Theogony, everything came forth from from Chaos: Verily, at first Chaos came to be, and next the wide-bosomed Gaia - she who created all the immortal ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus: Dim Tartarus, wide-pathed in the depths, and Eros, fairest among the divine imortals... From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Nyx; And of Nyx were born Aether and Hemera. Eris usually proceeded the chariot of her brother Ares. She was the sister of the four sons of Ares, Fear, Panic, Terror, and Trembling, though don't ask me how. Also, she was the mother of Ate by Zeus. Ate was the goddess of infatuation, mischief and guilt and would mislead men into ruin. Eris is probably most famous for starting the discord which led to the Trojan War. When Pelleus and Thetis were married, they feared the chaos that always accompanied Eris and did not invite her. Snubbing a goddess is always a bad idea. Eris crashed the party and rolled a golden apple marked "kallisti" ("for the fairest") across the floor at their wedding ...Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all laid claim to it. Paris was chosen as arbitrator. Each offered him a tempting bribe. He decided in Aphrodite's favor and she helped him seduce Helen. Helen's husband led an army to Troy to get her back, thus starting the Trojan War.
If you work with Computers, then you are well aware that she is quite powerful and cannot be stopped no matter how careful you are. In fact the more you try to impose order, the more disorder is created. So, if you are a boss type, you can get on Eris' good side by a little creative disorder. Give you workers flex hours, they'll be happier and do better work. Make every day a casual day. Making your workers wear ties only cut off circulation to their brains! So let loose a little. Stop being so anal retentive and bossy. This will improve morale and costs nothing. Also the goddess will be pleased. Feel free to contact His Holiness Pope Antonivs at: